
Welcome to Defense Industry Initiative (DII)

The DII is a nonpartisan and non-profit organization comprised of representatives from nearly 80 member companies, primarily from the aerospace and defense industry, that perform United States government contracting.

DII’s mission is the continued promotion and advancement of a culture of ethical conduct in every company that provides products and services through government contracting.

DII Announcement

DII in Action

DII_in_Action_-_Home_Page_with_Play_Button.jpgTom Arseneault
Chair, DII Steering Committee
President & Chief Executive Officer
BAE Systems, Inc
DII_in_Action_-_Home_Page_with_Play_Button.jpgChris Kastner
Vice Chair, DII Steering Committee
President & Chief Executive Officer

DII Members

DII Members

Click here for the complete list of current DII Member Companies